How to deal with multiple window in Python Tkinter with SQLite3 as database
How to deal with multiple windows in Python Tkinter with SQLite3 as database VIDEO LINK : My Course Website : My Youtube Channel : Navodit Sachdeva Output Window : Source Code : from Tkinter import * import tkMessageBox import sqlite3 def check(): window = Tk() window.title("Data are as follows") window.geometry("300x350") window.maxsize(300,250) window.minsize(300,250) button1 = Button(window, text = "Show Records", fg = "white", bg = "brown", font = "time 15 bold", width = 16, command = show) 50, y = 50) button2 = Button(window, text = "Put Records", fg = "white", bg = "brown", font = "time 15 bold", width = 16, command = put) ...