
Showing posts from October, 2020

How to deal with multiple window in Python Tkinter with SQLite3 as database

 How to deal with multiple windows in Python Tkinter with SQLite3 as database VIDEO LINK :  My Course Website : My Youtube Channel :  Navodit Sachdeva Output Window :  Source Code :  from Tkinter import * import tkMessageBox import sqlite3 def check():     window = Tk()     window.title("Data are as follows")     window.geometry("300x350")     window.maxsize(300,250)     window.minsize(300,250)     button1 = Button(window, text = "Show Records", fg = "white", bg = "brown",                         font = "time 15 bold", width = 16, command = show) 50, y = 50)     button2 = Button(window, text = "Put Records", fg = "white", bg = "brown",                         font = "time 15 bold", width = 16, command = put) 50, y = 150)     window.mainloop() def put():     root = Tk()     root.title("Data are as follows")